Step 1: Panel Layout

The first page sets the tone for a comedic and dramatic story. The initial sketch shows Gargoyle Man asleep in bed, his alarm going off at sundown, him dramatically getting out of bed, and finally suiting up. The use of different panel sizes was to create compositional interest and balance. This stage was super important in the creation of all of the pages in the comic because it acted as a first draft that could be tweaked and improved, but most importantly for us to built upon.

Step 2: Inking

Once we have a rough layout sketch, the next step is to refine all of the lines into a clean looking page. The inking stage of a comic book project is essential in bringing the story to life. It's where the initial sketch is refined and polished with bold, clean lines and where the atmosphere of each panel is emphasized. For the us, the inking stage on page was an exciting opportunity to finalize the look of the world and characters of Gargoyle Man.

Step 3: Coloring

Once we finished the inking stage, we moved onto one of the most crucial steps in the comic process: coloring. In this process, we started by choosing colors for each element of the page, such as the character's skin, clothing, and background elements. Then we used some shading and lighting techniques to create depth and atmosphere. The coloring process is essential in creating a completed comic book that engages readers and brings the story to life.

Step 4: Lettering

The final step required in completing a page of a comic is the lettering. Typically the artist and writer will collaborate with the letterer to allot space in the panels and on the page for the letters. Sometimes, the lettering placement will be decided beforehand so that the artist knows where they can draw. In our process, we planned where the letters would go before finalizing inking and put the finishing touches at the end.